ALL you need to know



Cognitive Rehabilitation


Neurotransmission Cognitive Theory


Portable Design

Here is all you need to know

Our Product

Our product “EKKO-A Wave Therapeutic Device” proposes a new solution for cognitive rehabilitation using vibrational waves. EKKO is a portable device which uses vibrational waves to treat neurological disorders based on Neurotransmission Cognitive Theory Vibrational waves have been found to be effective in the fast recovery of muscles because of their resonance with the natural frequencies of the muscle fibers and are already used in the medical industry.

Our product uses vibration waves for cognitive rehabilitation based on neurotransmission cognitive theory. The proposed product includes vibration wave therapy device and an intelligent assistant software with cloud services. This product can be used at home by parents of special children and also at special education centers for rehabilitation of special children.

Major Modules

Our Product is divided into two major modules

Intelligent Software Application

The second module of our product is application which is based in artificial intelligence. This module is at the very core of the working of the entire system and this will be based on research work. It consists of gathering data from multiple sources and using that to build a knowledge base on top of which there is decision support system which enables self-rehab for the patients. The individual components of the module are Survey / Documents, Key Words, Clinical Results, Patient and Doctor Feedback, Knowledge Base, Decision Support System and Trend Analysis.

Therapy Device

This is based on neurotransmission cognitive theory. It is portable and is capable of producing vibration waves of different frequencies. Based on the type and nature of disability, the time of application, triggering points and frequency for each point are set. The device has two modes of operations i.e. manual and using intelligent software application

Primary goal of


To make disabled children and those with treatable neural disorders, such as speech and movement disorders, a respected member of society by providing a rehabilitation method that is simple, accessible and has no side effects

Features of Neurotransmission Cognitive Theory

Decades of work has been poured into cognitive rehabilitation and a number of different therapies and medications are available in the market for their treatment. The use of vibrational waves has been neglected entirely in this area. Existing therapy devices uses vibrations waves but only for physical rehabilitation. There is no single device in the market that targets cognitive rehabilitation. The market is ripe for an innovative and accessible solution. What makes our product unique is Neurotransmission cognitive theory with following features


Brain Death

A shock experienced by the brain could not always be elaborated as a brain death

Alive Brain Cells

The affected brain cells may stay alive with reduced blood supply.

Mal Cognitive Maps

Mal/ defective cognitive maps can be developed through neurons lying ineffective

Reactivation of Maps

At preliminary stage, natural pathways can be reactivated through vibration waves gadgets.

Vibrational Waves

Simple mechanical vibrational waves are the source of stimulation

This diagrams explain the working of EKKO

How it Works

A team of innovators and engineers

Our Team

Ali Saeed, MS


M. Usman Akram, PhD

Medical Image/Signal Processing, AI CO-Founder & chief Scientist, RISETECH

Sajid Gul Khawaja, PhD

Embedded Systems and Artificial Intelligence CO-Founder & chief Scientist, RISETECH

Mr. Shahbaz Khalid Ranjha

Director (Directorate General of Special Education) Psychologist & Speech Therapist (Family Health Hospital)